Glowing Leaves WordPress Theme

Glowing Leaves WordPress Theme

Glowing Leaves WordPress Theme. Featuring 3 columns layout (2 column sidebar on the right side), subscription/feed logo, widget ready, adsense ready. Designed for 1024×768 or higher screen resolution. Tested in Firefox, IE, Opera and Safari. Compatible with newest Wordpress version 2.6.

glowing leaves wordpress theme

demo | Download

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Lets Connect The World with your Social Networking sites part II

Lets Connect The World with your Social Networking sites part II

Where would we be without the social networking?

Last week here at Bonoriau I held a social networking connection where I ask friends to share their social networking links as we all together will connect each other.

Quoted from top blogger Darren in his blog "Those who have been following me for a while know that I not only spend a lot of time on my blogs but also invest significant time on sites like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn…. (the list could go on)"

In comments below - Share your links to any of your social networking profiles that you want to promote. Once you’ve done so - start adding others on the list! This will only work if people make connections rather than just promote themselves.

The ‘Rules’:

* You must include the word - ’my social networking’ in your comment.
* You can use html in the comment to make your links live (this will make people easier to find your profile)
My social networking :

Twitter, Facebook, Mybloglog, Blogcatalog, Technorati, Digg, StumbleUpon and Delicious

Connect with our existing friends :

1. Shien : technorati stumbleupon blogcatalog mybloglog
2. ImitationAngel : Myspace Twitter Youtube
3. Rizal : My Tweet Tweet Twitter My Technorati My MYBlogLog My Blogcatalog My Facebook
4. Shinade : Technorati Mybloglog BlogCatalog Fuelmyblog
5. Whateverebay : stumbleupon/whatevereby
6. Bluecrystaldude : Facebook Myspace Friendster Technorati Twitter
7. Shaxx : Twitter BlogCatalog Facebook MyBlogLog
8. IndoContest : Twitter Mybloglog Blogcatalog StumbleUpon Technorati

Tip: If you hold down the ‘CTRL’ key while clicking on links, they’ll open up in new tabs, so you won’t lose this page or lose your place Read More!

How to disable spell check in Google chrome browser

How to disable spell check in Google chrome browser

google chromeGoogle chrome browser has the spell check enabled as default, and there is no option to disable it. There are many people who don’t like the spell checker and need that to be removed.

As there is no option directly, i found one in Google forums, and here it is.

Firstly you have to go to a dictionary file which is a .bdic file, and here is its location -

In windows XP - C:\Documents and Settings > [Your Username] > Local Settings > Application Data > Google > Chrome > Application > Dictionaries
In windows Vista - C:\ Users > [Your Username] > AppData > Local > Google > Chrome > Application > Dictionaries

(Username is your Windows username)

Open the file in a text editor and delete everything in it, then save the file. Don’t delete the file because Chrome will replace it with the correct one, just make it an empty 0 KB file!

This will disable the spell check option in your Chrome browser.

Note: Still i suggest you to have a backup of that dictionary file.

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Yahoo Web Analytics

Yahoo Web Analytics

Yahoo Web Analytics is now Online!

- Real-time insight into visitor behavior on your website
- Powerful and flexible tools and dashboards
- Track and understand Visitor Engagement

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The Leaf Fall: a Social Icon Set

The Leaf Fall: a Social Icon Set

The Leaf Fall: a social icon set - this set contains 12 social icons, designed in an autumn-style. The set includes icons for Twitter, Technorati, RSS, Reddit, Facebook, Delicious, StumbleUpon and Digg. The icons are available in the .png-format in various resolutions.

You can use the set for free — without any restrictions whatsoever.

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Animate hover with jQuery

Animate hover with jQuery

Animate hover with jQuery - Animate an image while hovering it and show the visitors more information with a nice animating effect. Take a look at an Example.

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jQuery Feed Menus

Feed Menus

When feeds became popular, it worked to have one icon on your site to point your readers to your RSS or Atom feeds. As feeds are more prevalent in blogs and websites abroad, the presence of multiple feeds abound. I have a feed for my blog, the nerdlab, my bookmarks, my friend feed as well as my twitter updates. That’s a butt-ton of feeds.

Browsers have come up with a smart way of offering this content to users and it is usually place somewhere by the location bar as shown below:

Firefox 3 Feed Menu

Firefox 3 Feed Menu

Safari 3 Feed Menu

Safari 3 Feed Menu

With the click of a button, you can view all of the feeds available in the of the document.

But still, it’s nice to offer users an alternate way to get at your feeds, so typically you will see a feed icon lurking around a site somewhere. At times, you will see a list of two, three or more links to different feeds offered on a site. Why not have an easy and standard way of offering your feeds via a nice, compact menu, just like in the location bar, but on your site? Why I ask? Why?

It’d be awesome to allow users to click your feed icon and be presented with a list of feeds to choose from. Hmmm, I want your twitter feed in Atom format or I’d like to subscribe to your blog feed in RSS format. Done.

The jQuery Feed Menu

Here’s how easy it is. I am going to plop one right here: . Go ahead click it. You know you want to. This feed menu was created easily by the following snippet of code:

var fm = new FeedMenu();

Cool huh? That piece of code finds all of your feeds in the of your HTML document and makes them into a handy menu you can plop anywhere. Here are some more examples:

Atom Feeds

Atom Feeds:


var fm = new FeedMenu('link[type*=atom]‘);

RSS Feeds

RSS Feeds:


var fm = new FeedMenu('link[type*=rss]‘);

Different Theme Classes:

Classic Orange
Komodo Media v.4 Woodgrain
Komodo Media Azure

Transparent on Dark (for dark backgrounds)

Transparent on Light (for light backgrounds)


* @param 1: CSS link selector or array of JSON objects
* @param 2: Class Name: null, wood, azure, trans_on_dark, trans_on_light
var fm = new FeedMenu(null,'wood'); //2nd param is class

Last, something custom

Let’s say you don’t want the feed menu to find links for you. You want to provide them in code. Check this out:

And, here’s the custom code:

var oCustomLinks = [
title:'RSS Feed',
title:'Subscribe with Bloglines',
title:'Subscribe with Google Reader',
var fm = new FeedMenu(oCustomLinks);

You can download all of the files used here to use on your site. Feel free to modify and use this code how you see fit and if you use it, please drop a comment here to show me how you’ve used it.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.

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12 Excellent designed Laptop Stickers

12 Excellent designed Laptop Stickers

I’ve been searching for some high-quality designed stickers for one of my friend. He is not that picky but all he wanted is something related to eastern culture stuff. Right now he probably talking to the maker for a custom design or something… Anyway here it came up with a tiny laptop sticker collection that I really like them! thought it might be good idea to share with you. Yep, it really make me wanted to… um. ‘personalize’ my own laptop.

Don’t forget to look around another excellent collection via Flickr. btw, you can also try to engrave something on your lid cover.

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Comments features for Wordpress 2.7 from Otto

Comments features for Wordpress 2.7 from Otto

If you’re a WordPress theme developer you may want to keep your themes technically aligned to new commenting features that will most probably make it to WordPress version 2.7. Otto, who is a well-known and respected WordPress community member has published this article regarding his commenting features. Check it out! There is a preview to the new 2.7 commenting system at that page too.

Here are some of the enhancements that Otto covers:
▪ Creating a 2.7 compatible comments.php file
▪ Password protection check
▪ The comments loop
▪ The power of Ajax
▪ Styling

We all know that commenting is one of the great features that WordPress is known for. Apparently the development team is taking this feature a step further by offering important feature upgrades like threading, paging and javascript enhancements.

I bet ‘ya this will result in better blogs as people can now interact intuitively from one comment to another.

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September 2008 Most Popular Articles

Below you will find the most popular articles of this month. Check them out if you missed any!

  • Vistalicious WordPress Theme Released: This is one of my favorite WordPress Themes so far. Vistalicious is a clean theme with two columns and a green flavored background. It is advertising ready and easily customizable.
  • Add an Email Subscription Form Below Your Posts: What about email subscription forms though? Could they work as efficiently on the bottom of single posts? I had a feeling that they could, and I decided to test it out on my blogs. The results were pretty amazing.
  • On Linkbaits, Socialbaits and Viral Content: If you have been involved with online marketing, web publishing or blogging for a while, I am sure that you have come across the terms linkbait, socialbait and viral content at least once.
  • Test If A Website Is Down For Everyone or Just For You: Given the amount of people that message me on IM to check if Paypal, their blog or another website is also down for me, I suspect that not every one know this little handy tool.
  • Your Calls to Action Should Go Below The Post: Lately I was visiting some blogs that use this strategy, and I realized that perhaps it is not that effective, and sometimes they might even hurt the user experience.
  • Open Discussion: Are Mini Niche Websites Dying?: As you probably guessed, the most famous example of an SEO black hole is Wikipedia. The problem is that many mainstream websites are following the same route (e.g., NY Times, Business Week).
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10 Ways to Brand Your Blog or Website Efficiently

10 Ways to Brand Your Blog or Website Efficiently

On the latest State of the Blogosphere report, Technorati claimed that they are tracking over 133 million blogs. That is a freaking lot of them. If we take into consideration standard websites as well, this number will be even bigger. The result? Hundreds, if not thousands of blogs and websites on virtually every single niche on the web.

ways to brand blog or website

You can also bet that a good percentage of those will be offering outstanding quality content just like you do, so the competition is fierce.

Under those circumstances, how can you make sure that your blog or website will stand out of the crowd and attract visitors?

In one word: branding.

Bricks and mortar businesses have discovered the importance of branding decades ago, but on the web this is a relatively new trend (just five years ago you didn’t have that many websites around after all).

Below we are going to cover 10 ways to brand your blog or website efficiently.

1. Having a Clear Purpose

You must have a crystal clear vision about the purpose of your website, and you must communicate that to the visitors as well. They must know why they are visiting your website. Why it is worth their time.

“I am going to write abut tech” ain’t going to cut it. What part of technology you are going to write about? Gadgets? Web 2.0? What angle you are going to have? Breaking news? Deep analysis? Where will the value to your readers come from?

You need to be able to answer to those questions easily.

Your aim is to make people associate a concept or thing with your website. If I say online video, you are going to think YouTube. If I say funny pictures of cats, you are going to think I Can Has Bheezburger. If I say gadgets, you are going to think Engadget or Gizmodo.

You get the idea. Now you must make this with your own website. It is not easy, and it takes time, but you should always keep this principle in mind.

2. Being Consistent with the Writing Style

There are many studies confirming that the writing part of a blog or website is one of the main parameters that readers use to determine the overall quality of that site.

You need to be consistent with your writing style if you want to strength your brand with it. It does not matter if you write bringing your personal experiences aboard or if you try to keep a more neutral tone, the important thing is to be consistent with it.

If you read tech blogs frequently, I am sure you would be able to tell a post from TechCrunch and one from Mashable apart just by looking at the writing style right? That is what branding is all about.

This point is particularly important to blogs that have more than one author.

3. Sticking with Your Tagline

Using a tagline is not mandatory, although it can help if you come up with a really catchy and descriptive one (check The Best Website Taglines Around the Internet if you need some inspiration).

The important thing, however, is that you stick with it. It got stick in people’s heads. If you change your tagline every other month, people won’t remember it, and they might even get confused about it.

If you are going to use a tagline, you could also consider adding it to the title tag of your website. This will make sure that the tagline will be displayed on search engines when users come across your site, reinforcing the message that you want to pass.

4. Investing Money in a Good Logo

Just like medieval castles used to be identified by their flags, websites are identified by their logos. If you have limited money to spend on design, make sure that the logo is your top priority.

These days you can get good looking logos for as low as $100 (obviously though that the more you spend the higher the quality you should get).

The logo is important because it is the first thing that visitors pay attention to, and usually it is also the image that will stick on their mind once they are gone.

Additionally, whenever people mention your website on blog, they will consider using your logo as an illustration on the article, meaning that the logo itself will characterize your site even on external places. The image on top of this article is an example.

5. Using a Favicon

Most modern browsers support favicons, therefore you should make use of them. Try to adapt your logo, or use the initials of the name of your site, and put them on the favicon.

Favicons are also important because they will appear on the bookmark section of your users, enabling them to recognize your website more easily among the hundreds of others.

If you are not sure how to create or implement a favicon, read How to Create a Favicon.

6. Making the Design Match the Content

The overall look and feel of your design must match the content. If you plan to talk about stock markets, it would be weird to have flowers on the background image right?

Identify what your core audience is going to be, and design around their perceptions and preferences. If you are going to write for professionals or older people, perhaps a traditional newspaper look would be a good choice. If your readers will be younger, a more colorful design could be used. And so on.

7. Being Consistent with the Colors

Make sure to choose a color palette and to stick with it. Colors and moods are very easy to be remembered, so use this in your favor.

You could use the main color on the links, on the favicon, on the footer and so on. If you are going to create special images or badges for the website, make them match the overall color pattern.

Through out the years it is probably that you will need to give a face-lift to you design. That is fine, as long as you keep consistent with the color readers will still feel at home, and your brand will be kept intact.

You can get more information about color palettes and suggestions on ColourLovers.

8. Using Your Website’s Name on Social Media

Are you going to use Twitter? FriendFeed? Facebook? If you are, you could create an account on each of those services specifically for your website.

Social networks are a big online trend, and probably one that will last. If you manage to get your site inside those networks, your brand will rejoice.

Here is a good example: Michael Arrington is a web celebrity, but instead of creating social networking accounts on his name, he always create them as “TechCrunch,” reinforcing his brand across those platforms.

9. Spending Money on Advertising

If branding was easy, companies around the world would not spend billions of dollars every year on advertising right?

It is possible to create a strong brand without spending money on advertising, but paid promotional efforts can certainly make you reach this goal easier and faster.

If you don’t have a big budget, you could consider soending money only during the launch and on the first few months. Use the money to kick start your brand, and after that work with the content and free methods.

One advantage of paid advertising is that it allows you to deliver a specific message to a specific audience. If you purchase a banner on a popular blog, for example, you know who will be reading that, and you can tailor your words to pass your brand to those readers.

10. Spreading it Everywhere

Branding is psychological, meaning that you will need to get inside people’s heads. Sometimes this will inevitably be a numbers game. That is, the more exposure you manage to give to your brand in front of the web users, the longer it will stick with them.

Practically speaking, use your website name and logo in a many different places as possible. Put the link on your email signatures. Write guest articles for popular blogs and put your website name on the byline. Talk about your website in online forums. Purchase advertising banners. Stamp tshirts with your website logo on it and so on.

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48 incredible Mootools Sripts

48 incredible Mootools Sripts

Ever wanted to add some AJAX effects to your site to create a great and interactive looking site. Here’s a list of 48 of the best Mootools scripts around there (e.g. image galleries, lightbox clones, tabbed contents, forms, menus, tables, date pickers…).


MochaUI is a web applications user interface library built on the Mootools JavaScript framework to develop great Web Applications, virtual desktop, modal windows, widget… Maybe the best mootools app I have seen so far. You should definitely check this one!
Mootools version: 1.2

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Mootools Ext Adapter

An attempt at creating a mootools adapter for the fantastic Ext library by Jack Slocum.
Mootools version: 1.2

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Another lightbox clone, but this time is written for Mootools 1.2.
Mootools version: 1.2

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Nice and easy plugin for image slider. 8 slider samples in total.
Mootools version: 1.11 and 1.2

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(E)2 Photo Gallery

(E)2 Photo Gallery is a open source gallery. Designed to allow you to upload your photos to a desired folder, tell the (E)2 Photo Gallery what folder to look at and it will automatically load the images using PHP.
Mootools version: 1.1

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Pathfusion : Slideshow

Slideshow with transition between images.
Mootools version: 1.11

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Can call several content sliders on one page.
Mootools version: 1.2

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This gallery and slideshow system allows you to have simple and smooth (cross-fading…) image galleries, slideshows, showcases and other cool stuff on your website…
Mootools version: 1.2

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iTunes like image gallery. It is the script I chose to use to display my showcase on my homepage.
Mootools version: 1.2

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Viewer - mootools

Slideshow to display image galleries or page sections.
Mootools version: 1.2

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Slimbox is a 4kb visual clone of the popular Lightbox JS v2.0 by Lokesh Dhakar, written using the ultra compact mootools framework.
Mootools version: 1.2

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An elegant, lightweight slideshow script based on Obama’s homepage slideshow.
Mootools version: 1.2

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SlideShow 2

Slideshow 2! is a javascript class for Mootools 1.2 to stream and animate the presentation of images on your website.
Mootools version: 1.2

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PathFusion : multibox

Another lightbox clone that supports images, flash, video, mp3s, html.
Mootools version: 1.2

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SqueezeBox - Expandable Lightbox

SqueezeBox is an unobtrusive LightBox inspired overlay, for modal boxed content on your site. It’s a snap to show images but just as easy to use HTML elements, Ajax requests, iFrames, SWF movies and more.
Mootools version: 1.2

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Using the MooTools javascript library, Mediabox lets you open flash, video, and html content in a floating “lightbox” style window.
Mootools version: 1.2

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Javascript Image Gallery Using Mootools (part 2)

HTML friendly Javascript image gallery using mootools.
Mootools version: 1.2

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Sliding Tabs

Sliding Tabs is a mootools 1.11 plugin which adds a pretty neat effect. It’s a clone of the Panic Software’s Coda site.
Mootools version: 1.11

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MooTabs is a tiny(3kb) class for MooTools. As the name suggests, it’s main purpose is to help out with the creation of simple tab navigation.
Mootools version: 1.1

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SimpleTabs - Unobtrusive Tabs + Ajax

Small, simple and unobtrusive Tab plugin for MooTools including support for Ajax content.
Mootools version: 1.2

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Custom Form Elements

Style custom form elements to enhance checkboxes, radiobuttons, fileupload, textinput, textarea, select, submit, reset, image.
Mootools version: 1.2

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Form validator. It will pop up a message when a field is left empty.
Mootools version: 1.2

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fValidator is an open source (free) unobtrusive javascript tool for easy handling form validation.
Mootools version: 1.2

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ForMoo - Form Tools for Mootools

Another Form Validator.
Mootools version: ??

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MOOdalBox - an HTML Lightbox

A modal box (inline popup), used to display remote content loaded using AJAX, web 2.0 style, written for the mootools framework.
Mootools version: 1.2

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Javascript Fisheye Example

Impressive demo of Javascript Fisheye Menu for Mootools version 1.
Mootools version: 1.0

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FancyUpload - Swiff meets Ajax

Swiff meets Ajax for powerful and elegant uploads. FancyUpload is a file-input replacement which features an unobtrusive, multiple-file selection menu and queued upload with an animated progress bar.
Mootools version: 1.11

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UI TESTS :: Drop Menu

A sweet drop down menu with two levels.
Mootools version: 1.2

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ddMenu is a simple MooTools-based script to create you’re own context menus.
Mootools version: 1.2

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Fancy Menu

The well known Fancy Menu from Devthought.
Mootools version: ???

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Mootools :: Drop Menu example

A drop down menu.
Mootools version: 1.0

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UvumiTools drop down menu

The UvumiTools Dropdown Menu is a very simple multi-level menu built from an HTML unorderd list.
Mootools version: 1.2

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Drop Down Menu

Another drop down menu.
Mootools version: ??

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MenuMatic - Drop Down Menu

MenuMatic is a MooTools 1.2 class that takes a sematic ordered or unordered list of links and turns it into a dynamic drop down menu system.
Mootools version: 1.2

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PathFusion : image menu

Horizontal menu, reveals more of the image as you rollover it.
Mootools version: 1.11

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Calendar (date picker)

Calendar is a Javascript class that adds accessible and unobtrusive date-pickers to your form elements.
Mootools version: 1.2

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Unobtrusive JavaScript date-picker widgit

Unobtrusive date-picker.
Mootools version: ??

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Another date picker

Date picker.
Mootools version: ??

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wysiwyg - mootools

WYSIWYG editor (What You See Is What You Get). The page is in Spanish.
Mootools version: 1.2

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Pathfusion - Sortable table

Sort and filter tables.
Mootools version: 1.11

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Sortable tables created from standard tables.
Mootools version: ??

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Add reflections to your images.
Mootools version: 1.2

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This AutoCompleter script for MooTools provides the functionality for text suggestion and completion. It features different data-sources (local, JSON or XML), a variety of user interactions, custom formatting, multiple selection, animations and much more.
Mootools version: 1.2

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Add tooltips to your text or links.
Mootools version: 1.2

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Mootools Split Panes - Work in Progress

Split Panes.
Mootools version: ??

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iCarousel is an open source (free) javascript tool for creating carousel like widgets.
Mootools version: 1.1

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Ajax based social network bookmark widget.
Mootools version: 1.2

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Pathfusion : Rounded Corner

Creates rounded corners on divs.
Mootools version: 1.11

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