Style Shout is owned by Erwin Aligam - an open source web design hobbyist from Calamba City, Philippines. He is a Christian and also a volunteer worker in his church. He is a big fan of CSS, XHTML and open source web design. He created Style Shout website because he wanted to create an online gallery for his CSS templates, and also to allow others to download and use them for free.
Features included :
Two columns with right sidebar and three footer widgets
Colorful header
Nice navigation tab
Built-in Search box
Customized comment area
Install Colourise blogger template
Step 1. Change Blog’s name and Blog’s description
Press Ctrl+F to find this line
Blogger Template by
Change the bold text to anything as you wish
Step 2. Set up the Top Navigation
Press Ctrl+F to find these lines
Change them if you want
That is all .
Colourise Blogger Template comes under a Creative Commons License. This means it is free to use on your blog as long as the credit link in the footer is kept intact. I hope everyone enjoys this theme and please don’t forget to leave comments as they are precious!
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