Lets Connect The World with your Social Networking sites part II

Lets Connect The World with your Social Networking sites part II

Where would we be without the social networking?

Last week here at Bonoriau I held a social networking connection where I ask friends to share their social networking links as we all together will connect each other.

Quoted from top blogger Darren in his blog Problogger.net "Those who have been following me for a while know that I not only spend a lot of time on my blogs but also invest significant time on sites like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn…. (the list could go on)"

In comments below - Share your links to any of your social networking profiles that you want to promote. Once you’ve done so - start adding others on the list! This will only work if people make connections rather than just promote themselves.

The ‘Rules’:

* You must include the word - ’my social networking’ in your comment.
* You can use html in the comment to make your links live (this will make people easier to find your profile)
My social networking :

Twitter, Facebook, Mybloglog, Blogcatalog, Technorati, Digg, StumbleUpon and Delicious

Connect with our existing friends :

1. Shien : technorati stumbleupon blogcatalog mybloglog
2. ImitationAngel : Myspace Twitter Youtube
3. Rizal : My Tweet Tweet Twitter My Technorati My MYBlogLog My Blogcatalog My Facebook
4. Shinade : Technorati Mybloglog BlogCatalog Fuelmyblog
5. Whateverebay : Digg.com/whateverebay Linked.com/whateverebay Myspace.com/whateverebay stumbleupon/whatevereby Twitter.com/whateverebay Youtube.com/whateverebay
6. Bluecrystaldude : Facebook Myspace Friendster Technorati Twitter
7. Shaxx : Twitter BlogCatalog Facebook MyBlogLog
8. IndoContest : Twitter Mybloglog Blogcatalog StumbleUpon Technorati

Tip: If you hold down the ‘CTRL’ key while clicking on links, they’ll open up in new tabs, so you won’t lose this page or lose your place

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