Hola / Olá! SearchMonkey

Hola / Ol&aacute! SearchMonkey

Getting an international passport can be tough for the average monkey. But that's not the case with this SearchMonkey. Today we're proud to announce we've launched the Yahoo! Search Gallery in Latin America, so our friends in Argentina, Mexico and Brazil can now join the party.

Since our initial launch two short months ago, the team has been busy releasing major enhancements to the Gallery, supporting new microformats, putting on developer events in Sunnyvale, London and Paris, and picking the winners of the SearchMonkey Developer Challenge from hundreds of novel submissions. Now that the Gallery is extended to Latin America, we're getting closer to finally seeing the output of an infinite group of monkeys with an infinite number of keyboards... well, maybe not quite, but it'll certainly be fun to see the innovative enhancements they build.

And keep your eyes out for where SearchMonkey travels to next.

Nick Cox
Senior Product Manager
Yahoo! Search

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