Making Social Bookmarking a bit more Delicious
Today, our teammates across the way rolled out the newest version of the social bookmarking site Delicious (formerly known as, which offers enhanced performance and search capabilities along with a brand new user interface.
The Delicious team has detailed the changes on their blog, but here's a quick look at what's new:
Improved Performance -- With a new more scalable infrastructure, Delicious can better keep up with the growing traffic while still providing you with the same reliability and responsiveness.
Powering Up Search -- By packing more power into the search engine, the overall performance has improved, delivering search results much more quickly. You can now also search within one of your tags, another user's public bookmarks, or your social network.
New Design -- Since a picture is worth a thousand words, we'll just show you...
Yahoo! has flipped the switch and we expect all users will be able to experience the new Delicious by this afternoon. Once you've had a chance to play around with the new site, visit the also-new discussion forum and let them know how things are working for
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