Which sounds better? GDigg or GooDigg? If you haven’t heard about the hot rumor yet, you can read it here on techcrunch. It’s said that Google is on final negotiation to buy Digg for $200 million.
Yes it’s $200 million dude. I don’t want to talk about my prediction of the future of Digg here, In fact I still don’t even understand why would Google waste their $200 million money just for an easy to replicate site like Digg.
I wish I had a chance to work for Google, I would help them save their $150mln by hiring programmers to build the site ($1 million) + $48 million for Marketing.
That is only $49 million Jack?
Hey they have to pay my salary right?
Now if you are Larry Page or Sergey Brinn reading this post, trust me you dont want to waste such a lot of money. Just use the contact form if you want me to help you save your money ok?!
NOT: İNGİLİZCE Lütfen Bir Çeviri Programı veya hemencevir.com çeviriniz.
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