New layout on ThemeLib

New layout on ThemeLib

Arthemia Magazine wordpress themArthemia wordpress theme was designed by Michael Jubel is really an excellent one. I can’t believe that this theme is released for FREE! It is combining a magazine and a weblog into one; it is not too magazine-ish nor too blog-ish. The front page of Arthemia shows the headline and featured post of yours along with the pictorial representation, that’s the magazine style, while the rest of your post will be shows sequentially just like a usual weblog. In the middle of the front page, Arthemia has a nice blue-and-black category bar which will help your readers exploring you site. At the bottom, Arthemia is outfitted with a blog must-have section, a three-column in footer.

I hacked a lots on this theme (worked more than 10 hours) to make it easier to install and more lightweight :) is turning one month old and since I started I have focused my energy on branding, building traffic,.. . From now on, other than continually releasing free quality Blogger Templates, I will also be blogging about Making Money Online :)

If you have any thoughts or suggestions, feel free to leave a comment below.

Hope you all like it!

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