10 New Useful WordPress Plugins

10 New Useful WordPress Plugins

Theme Authenticity Checker

Scan all of your theme files for potentially malicious or unwanted code. Be aware of advertisements or dangerous JavaScript inserted into legitimate themes by third party theme download sites.

List Category Posts

List Category Posts is a simple WordPress plugin which allows you to list some posts from a category into a post/page using [catlist=ID], where ID stands for the Category Id.

Expanding Text Plugin

This WordPress plugin allows you to create sections of text in your post or page which expand/collapse when clicked on. You simply wrap the special tags around your text, and set the ‘expand link’ (the link visitors click on to show the text).


Actionable allows the creation of a categroized list of action items for users to check off and track. It was originally developed for Share 350.0 - a plan for regional sustainability to help people track their actions and efforts to create a sustainable community.

Lightbox Plus

Lightbox Plus is used to create overlay display images on the webpage and to automatically add the correct overlay links to images. Lightbox Plus captures the image title for display using a fairly robust regex to capture most character that may appear as part of the title.

Advanced Tagline

Advanced Tagline gives the option to have multiple taglines for your blog and display them at random or sequentially with each page view.

Sodahead Polls

Want to create a poll for your readers and see live results? Bloggers use polls more than any other interactive application to engage their readers. Create an engaging experience for your audience today and keep them coming back for more.

Minimum Comment Length

Don’t you find it annoying when someone comments with just a smiley? Or a “thanks”? On quite a few forums you have to leave a comment with a minimum of 15 characters to be able to comment, but WordPress doesn’t allow you to set such a threshold. With this plugin, it does.

Blogging Tips

This plugin displays random blogging tips and suggestions. The tips are just some ideas of what you can do to improve the popularity of your blog and improve the content. All of the tips are designed to inspire you to be a better blogger.

Gravatar Recent Comments

Gravatar recent comments is a plugin providing you with a “Top/last commenters” widget but instead of just displaying names, it also displays gravatars.

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