How you can Massively Jumpstart your Website’s traffic.

How you can Massively Jumpstart your Website’s traffic.Surprided
There are hundreds of ways to make money online, and as Jason pointed out yesterday one of them is to create free Reports or even paid reports. These types of reports can be created in just minutes by the most inexperienced net fool and can often bring hundreds of dollars in profit.

When you create these reports you’ll be looking for ways to gain completely targeted traffic, but since creating reports is a risky move, especially selling reports that might not be an interest to many you don’t want to spend half of your monthly check buying low converting Ads from Google Adwords right?

Well this is where my 100% cheap targeted traffic method comes in.

The Ebay Method
If you are an Net Potato you’ve most likely heard of Ebay and you’ve possibly even shop there once in a while, but did you know that Ebay can bring you hundreds and even thousands of potential visitors with just a low fee per month?

Well it’s true, Ebay allows you to pay $9.99 a month for a classified ad. Classified ads are ads that are placed on top of all the other auctions and are seen by everyone that is searching for a specified product.

Now 10 bucks a month seems good, but what do you advertise? The answer is simple, “Your Website!” you place a very high price for a website so that no one will buy it but everyone will be interested in clicking it, when they click they’ll see your ad and you can place your URL in that ad and you’ll have hundreds of visitors flocking in to see your site.

This method works best when you are trying to sell a brand new make money online e-book as people often look for terms like this on Ebay and very often end up buying the E-books especially if you make a sales letter that makes the E-book sound better than the bible.

Please note that when you sell an E-book on Ebay you need to make sure to send a CD with the E-book inside of it to your buyer. This is a policy that Ebay created in order to stop people from selling cheap stuff and then getting good reviews. But as previously said, if you are in fact selling an E-book and you only want the traffic make the price of the Book or website as high as possible so you’ll still get the exposure and the traffic but not the E-book sales from the E-bay site but instead you’ll get sales directly from your site.

The ClickBank Method

Another great way to gain exposure is from the highly popular website, Clickbank. This website has thousands of members that want to gain money by selling products other people made.

You can exploit this by creating your own E-book filling it up with random crap and hiring some freelancers to write a sales letter and a website design, once you have that set up your Clickbank account and place your advertisement there.

One way to gain trust from possible buyers is to hire freelancers to create review videos in which you write the amazing review of your product, the freelancers will simply film themselves reading what you wrote, then you upload the video to Youtube and embed it on your site and voila! Instant profit.

When people see the advertisement on Clickbank they’ll start clicking on your site gaining you massive traffic, and not only that but it’s targeted traffic because the visitors are actually interested in buying or selling your product.

If your sales page is decent looking and your videos seem trustworthy your product might just become viral and then you’ll have hundreds of websites linking to you and you’ll start seeing daily profits coming in to your account.

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1 yorum:

Unknown dedi ki...

Man You have given very good tips.

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