Notepad Chaos wordpress theme

Notepad Chaos wordpress theme

SmashingMagazine has just released another free professional Wordpress theme called Notepad Chaos. The theme has 2 columns, a quite vibrant design including “personal” design elements such as handwritten headings, stick-it-notes, clips and pins. The theme was designed by Evan Eckard especially for Smashing Magazine and its readers.

Notepad Chaos - a free professional wordpress theme from SmashingMagazine

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Notepad Chaos - a free professional wordpress theme from SmashingMagazine
Among other things, the Notepad Chaos theme has handwritten search box and navigation at the top of the layout.

Notepad Chaos - a free professional wordpress theme from SmashingMagazine
Sidebar in the Notepad Chaos is designed as a post-it-note and clipped at the top.

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